swissbib MARC
The MARC displayed in swissbib is slightly extended for the indexing and display-functionality. Nevertheless most fields remain untouched.
This pages shows special fields as well as regular fields with an irregular field structure. The reference point for this is MARC21. Additionally fields of special interest are described.
Please be aware that to some extent swissbib marc does not contain ISBD-interpunction.
- 1 System numbers
- 2 Enhanced fields
- 2.1 Field 1## / 7## / 8##
- 2.1.1 Field 100 / 700 / 800
- 2.2 Field 490
- 2.3 Field 499
- 2.4 Field 779
- 2.5 Field 89#
- 2.6 Field 900
- 2.7 Field 950
- 2.8 Field 986
- 2.8.1 Data sets for FRBR
- 2.1 Field 1## / 7## / 8##
- 3 Items and serial holdings
- 4 URLs in swissbib: 856 and 956
- 4.1 856 - standard URL
- 4.2 956 - ADAM-URL
- 5 Locally defined MARC21-fields
System numbers
Field 001: swissbib system number
Field 035: system numbers of the Swiss library systems and others like OCLC-number or EEBO, ECCO and alike
=001 054014603
=035 -- $a (OCoLC)610864422
=035 -- $a (IDSBB)001234567
Prefix codes used by swissbib
These prefix codes are used in any field or subfield that contains system numbers of local networks. The PPN of swissbib is never prefixed.
IDSBB | IDS Basel/Bern |
IDSLU | IDS Luzern |
IDSSG | IDS St. Gallen HSG |
IDSSG2 | IDS SG PH/FH & Institute |
RERO | Réseau Romand |
SNL | Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek |
ABN | Aargauer Bibliotheksnetz |
ALEX | Alexandria - Bibliotheksverbund der Bundesinstitutionen |
BGR | Bibliotheksverbund Graubünden |
SBT | Sistema Bibliotecario Ticinese |
SERSOL | E-Books from IDS Basel Bern |
SGBN | St. Galler Bibliotheksnetz |
CCSA | Catalogue collectif suisse des affiches |
CHARCH | HelveticArchives |
RETROS | retro.seals |
HAN | Handschriften - Archive -Nachlässe |
ECOD | e-codices |
Enhanced fields
Field 1## / 7## / 8##
Field 100 / 700 / 800
Instead of putting family and forename in one subfield swissbib uses
$a for family-name
$D for forename
=100 1- $a Hesse $D Ernst
Field 490
According to IDSMARC linking-information is stored in subfield $w and additionally in subfield $9.
subfield $w: system number of the local library system
subfield $9: swissbib system number PPN
=490 1- $a Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte $v Bd. 58 (2001), H. 1 $w (IDSUZH)000441442 $9 001764152
Field 499
Field 499 contains the collection information and parent link of archival records. This field is mapped to 499 to prevent identical display with series information (field 490) and the automatic creation of a link in the 'description' tab. Field 499 is currently used for HAN records and HelveticArchives records. 499 contains information about the top record of the hierarchy in subfields $x and $y to generate the hierarchy display in VuFind.
=499 -- $a Nachlass Ernst Pfuhl ... $v 36 $w HAN000083397
=499 -- $a Unterlagen von und über Ruth Quenzer $v 561-01 $i 561-01 $x Archiv Ruth Quenzer $w HAN000309003 $9 HAN000309003 $y HAN000309000
Field 779
Similar to field 499, field 779 contains the same information as field 773, but prevents the automatic creation of a link in the 'description' tab and enables a different display. Field 779 is currently used for HAN records.
=779 -A $g Bl. 125/126 $j 125/126 $t Variorum ad varios Epistolae ... $w HAN000120342 $9 HAN000120342
Field 89#
The 890-range is used to display swissbib-internal processing-information.
Field 897
Field 897 displays information about linked records and the nature of the links in place.
=897 -- $a b $b 1
Field 898
Field 898 contains the format-codes used for faceting and displaying the format icons.
Subfield $a contains the format icon code, this code is specific and precise
Subfield $b contains the facet code, this code is generic and collates several codes from $a
Subfield $c contains a code for hierarchical faceting (feature under development as of December 2015).
=898 -- $a BK010000 $b XK010000 $c XK010000
Field 900
Field 900 contains information about the licence applicable to the bibliographic record. Subfield $a holds the standardized text “Metadata rights reserved” if the data is not available under CC0, $b holds the original licence information if available, $u holds the URL for the licence in $b, $2 holds the source code.
=900 $a Metadata rights reserved $b Springer special CC-BY-NC licence $2 nationallicence
=900 $a Metadata rights reserved $2 rero
=900 $b CC0 $u $2nationallicence
Field 950
Fields 950 contain copied content of slave records from multiple sources, ie. entry and linking fields from all unions. Subfield $B holds the source code, $P the original field tag, $E both indicators. The following subfields are according to the normal definition.
=950 $B IDSBB $P 700 $E 0- $a Pius $b II $c Papst $d 1405-1464
=950 $B SGBN $P 490 $E -- $a Vorträge der Aeneas-Silvius-Stiftung an der Universität Basel $v 47 $i 47 $w (SGBN)000020347 $9 324152353
In Master-Records with many slaves, many fields 950 occur. Often, you have duplicated information. This is used to build specific facets and / or linking options.
Field 986
Field 986 contains the ID of a FRBR-cluster, grouping records of expressions and manifestations of a same work. Or, in non-FRBR terminology, “Weitere Ausgaben / Other editions”. Subfield $a holds a code labelling the data set covered, $b holds the identifier.
Data sets for FRBR
$a SWISSBIB : full content of the swissbib bibliographic database
$a ORANGE (or something similar, check later) : content of swissbib Basel Bern
=986 $a SWISSBIB $b 122550749
Items and serial holdings
Swissbib contains information about items and holdings. This amount of information available is highly dependent on the local system.
swissbib | swissbib | Description | Pica | ALEPH | ALEPH | RERO | RERO | SNL | SNL | SNL | ALMA | ALMA |
j | j | Signatur 1 | a | j | h,j | a | e "SEPARATOR Call Number: " | a | h,i,m | c | h | c |
| CBS-Zweigstelle | b |
c | c | Standortcode | c | c | c | D | b | D |
| c | b |
| is_circulating | d |
| C |
| e |
| F |
| F |
| is_requested | f |
| R |
p |
| Strichcode | p | p |
| 2 |
| 6 |
| a |
q |
| ADM-Nummer | q | q |
r |
| ADM-Sequenz | r | r |
s | s | Signatur 2 | s | s |
| b | e "Second Call Number: " | b |
| d |
t |
| Status Signatur 2 | t | t |
u | u | Service-URL | u |
| u |
| b |
| j, q |
z |
| Notiz/Bemerkung | z | z |
| 9 |
| 9 |
| e, m, r |
| a | Holding Notiz | A |
| a |
| e “Available collections:” |
| 866a |
b | b | Zweigstellencode | B | b | b | D | b | D | b |
| b | f, n, s |
B | B | Verbund-Code |
C | C | Verbund-ADM |
E | E | Systemnummer | 207 |
F | F | CHB-Bibliothek |
x | x | interne Notiz | X | x | z |
| o | o |
| a |
y |
| OPAC-Notiz | Z | y |
| p |
| g, o, u |
0 |
| Bibliotheksname | 0 | 0 | 4 |
1 |
| Standort (Label) | 1 | 1 | 5 |
2 |
| Status Signatur 1 | 2 | 2 |
3 |
| Materialtyp | 3 | 3 |
| h |
4 |
| Exemplarstatuscode | 4 | 4 |
| S |
| X |
| i |
5 |
| Exemplarstatus | 5 | 5 |
6 |
| Geschäftsgangstatuscode | 6 | 6 |
URLs in swissbib: 856 and 956
856 - standard URL
The information in 856 is according to the standard with one additional subfield present: 856 $B for the source of the URL. This subfield contains the network code as set in 852 $B and 949 $B.
The IDS systems code the information about the nature of the content described by the link in an indicator. This information is put in subfield $3 where it belongs according to MARC21.
=856 4- $B RERO $u $z consortium
=856 -- $B IDSBB $u $z Onlinezugriff via SFX
=856 -- $B NEBIS $u $z Online via SFX $3 Volltext
=856 40 $B SNL $u
956 - ADAM-URL
IDS ADAM Object is stored in 956. If the access is restricted there is a 856-Link too. 956 contains normally more information and sometimes the direct link to the resource.
For IDSBB, IDSLU, IDSUZH and NEBIS the URLs of abstracts and indices are delivered in 956-fields.
The usage of links that circumvent the copyright notice of ADAM has to be clarified with the local networks as it is most likely not intended by the local network to make these links freely available!
Code | Definition | Display type | Defined by | Example |
$B | network code | coded | Swissbib | IDS... et al. |
$C | ADM-library | coded | Library Network | DSV51 |
$a | sub library | coded | Library Network | USTAZ |
$d | directory | path | Library Network | $uzh50_dev/uzh50/adam/... |
$f | File name on the internal server | free | Library Network | FIS149_000516852.png |
$q | File extension | free (unfortunately) | Library Network | pdf, bild, jpg... |
$u | URL | free | Library Network | normally http://... |
$x | Usage type | coded | Library system | VIEW / THUMBNAIL |
$y | Title | free - sometimes rather generic | Library Network | Abstract / Autoreninformation |
=956 4- $B NEBIS $C EAD50 $a E01 $u $y Abstract /
Autoreninformation $x VIEW $q pdf
=956 4- $B IDSBB $C DSV51 $a B400 $u $q bild $x VIEW $y Vorschau zum Bild
=956 4- $B IDSUZH $C UZH50 $a UPBEB $u
&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA $d $uzh50_dev/uzh50/adam/phzh/view/2
$f FIS149_000516652.jpg $q jpg $x VIEW $y Schiff
Locally defined MARC21-fields
Several locally defined fields are present in swissbib. Most of them come from IDSMARC and are used as specified in IDSMARC.
swissbib fields | local fields | ||||
swissbib marc | Beschreibung | IDS | RERO | SNL | ALEX |
019 | Interne Notiz | 019 | 019 | 019 | 019 |
090 | ZeitschriftenSignatur |
| 090 |
091 | Externe Nummern (gültig) | 091 |
092 | Interne Nummern (gültig) | 092 |
509 | Originaltitel | 509 | 500* | 500* | 500* |
590 | Exemplarspezifische Notiz | 590 | 590 |
591 | Archivierungsinformationen | 591 | 591 |
595 | Schweizer Koordinaten | 595 | 595 | 595 | 595 |
689 | GND-Termgruppen |
| 689 |
690 | Lokale Beschlagwortung | 690 |
| 600-650 |
691 | Lokale Klassifikation | 691 | 980 | 968,992,993,999 |
692 | Lokale Musikalien-Beschlagwortung | 690 FJ und LA |
695 | Lokale FormBeschlagwortung | 695 |
908 | Lokale Materialcodes 1/2 | 906,907 |
909 | Lokale Verwaltungscodes | 909 | diverse |
912 | Lokale Selektionscodes | 072 | 072 | 072 | 072 |
913 | IDS Kongress/Ausstellung | 913 |